Frequently Asked Questions
You must be a registered patient through the Maryland Cannabis Administration (MCA) and possess both a valid government-issued ID and a written certification from a registered provider with the MCA.
You must be at least 21+ years of age and possess a valid government ID to enter the sales floor and purchase adult-use cannabis products.
Medical Patient Hours
Monday – Saturday 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM
Sunday 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM
Adult-Use Hours
Monday – Saturday 10:00 AM – 7:00 PM
Sunday 11:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Cash and debit cards only. We do not accept credit cards.
You must be a registered Maryland medical patient to place an online order. Online ordering is available 15 minutes after opening and 30 minutes before closing. To order online from us, you’ll simply add all desired cannabis products to your cart. When you hit Checkout, you’ll be taken to the Checkout page to review the total and continue. You’ll select a one hour pickup time window during business hours and we’ll collect your name and other info. Finally, confirm your online order and proceed to purchase your order with a dispensary agent inside the store.
All payments are made upon pickup. Be sure to bring cash or a debit card with you to pick up your order.
Yes! Registered medical patients can enjoy daily discounts on products. Additionally, registered medical patients over 60 years of age can take advantage of our senior discount offering 15% off every purchase and registered medical patients with proof of veteran status can take advantage of our veteran discount offering 22% off every purchase.
Yes! Every dollar you spend at Sunburst Pharm earns you one loyalty reward point which can be redeemed for special discounts.

Medical Cannabis FAQ
A medical cannabis certification is valid for up to 365 days after the issue date.
Qualifying patients may obtain a portion of their 30-day supply at any time once their written certification has been validated by a licensed dispensary. Currently, 120 grams of dried flower or 36 grams of THC-infused cannabis products equals a 30-day supply. Patient limits are calculated as a ROLLING 30-day limit, not by calendar month.
When in possession of medical cannabis, a legal patient may travel to any location in the state of Maryland except for federally owned property. It is currently illegal under Federal law to cross state lines with cannabis, even with a valid medical certification. Maryland laws cannot authorize you to travel to other states, jurisdictions, or countries with this medicine in your possession.
At minimum, the provider must perform an in-person evaluation once every 365 days
A patient needs an in-person visit with a registered provider with whom the patient has a “bona fide provider-patient relationship”. If the patient meets the provider’s criteria for treatment with medical cannabis, the provider will issue a certification.
If the patient has a chronic or debilitating disease or medical condition that causes: cachexia, anorexia, waiting syndrome, severe or chronic pain, severe nausea, seizures, severe or persistent muscle spasms, glaucoma, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), or another chronic medical condition which is severe and for which other treatments have been ineffective.
If your patient ID card is lost, stolen or damaged, you must login to your OneStop account and report it. Once logged in, select “My Dashboard”. Click on your MCA registration ID Number under “My Licenses, Permits, and Registrations”. Then click on the green “Actions tab”. Click on “Order an ID Card”. There will be a replacement card fee of $50.
A legal patient may travel to any location in the state of Maryland (other than federal government property when in possession of medical cannabis). Possession of cannabis is a violation of federal law and Maryland residents should carefully read the current state statutes regarding the use of medical cannabis and be aware that taking cannabis across State lines is a federal offense. Cannabis is also illegal on federal government property. The State of Maryland laws cannot authorize you to travel to other states, jurisdictions or countries with this medicine in your possession.
Health insurers are not required to cover the cost of medical cannabis.
A patient can order an ID card by logging into their account through the Maryland OneStop website however, a patient may only order an ID card after their patient application has been approved and they have received certification from a registered provider.
Beginning October 1, 2022 the charge for a Regular Patient Application was reduced to $25. The fee covers the payment for the Patient Registration and ID Card. The Patient Registration Expiration date has been extended to 6 years. The $25 fee is non-refundable.** The Application fee is waived for Patients enrolled in the Maryland Medicaid Program (Maryland Medical Assistance Program) and the VA Health Care Program (Veterans Affairs Maryland Health Care System) Please click on the link below for the requirements